USTM, the First Private University of the Region to Fulfill UGC Compliance

USTM, June 22, 2017: The University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) has put forward another step towards the dream of becoming the World Class University as the University Grants Commission (UGC) has notified that USTM has fulfilled the UGC Compliance for 12(B) status. The University is now eligible to apply for financial grants for research projects from UGC and organizations funded by Central Government. It is worth mentioning that USTM is receiving financial grants in recent past for research and infrastructure development from Central Government organizations like DST, DBT, ICSSR, MFPI, etc.
The inspection committee report along with the compliance submitted by USTM was placed before Committee of UGC members for consideration. The Committee accepted the compliance submitted in respect of the observation, suggestions given by the UGC’s inspection Committee and the AICTE Expert Committee. The recommendations of the Committee along with the Report of the UGC inspection Committee were placed before the Commission in its 523rd (Item No.1.02(a)(vi) held on June 7, 2017 and the Commission approved the recommendations of the Committee. This was communicated to the University Vide letter no. 8-18/2009(CPP-I/PV) dated 13.06.17 from Shri Kundla Mahajan, Under Secretary, University Grants Commission.
The USTM authorities have expressed their joy as the Chancellor Shri Mahbubul Hoque stated that, the credit goes to the hard work, dedication and sincerity of the members of USTM family. He also said that with the same spirit and enthusiasm they will continue their mission of chasing the dream to become the World Class University by 2030.